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Monika Fludernik

  • (in progress, to appear 2025) special issue of Language and Literature titled "Diachronicity". Ed. Monika Fludernik and Olga Timofeeva.
  • (in progress, to appear 2025) special issue of Narrative titled "Diachronic Narratology". Ed. Monika Fludernik and Irma Taavitsainen.
  • (ed., work in progress) Narrative Structure, 1250–1750: A Genre-by-Genre Analysis. [with contributions by: Roman Barton, Sonia García de Alba Lobeira, Theresa Hamilton, Anne Herlyn, Thomas Lederer und Sebastian Straßburg – on narrative structure in oral narrative and its adoption into late Middle English and early modern English narrative]
  • (forthcoming) "Did Not Answer – Early Cases of Failing to Reply in the LION Database". Hugo Keiper Memorial Volume. Ed. Volker Horn. Graz: Edition Keiper.
  • (2024) "The Narrative Structure of Small Stories". Small Stories: Tales, Tellings, and Tellers Across Contexts. Ed. Alexandra Georgakopoulou, Korina Giaxoglou and Sylvie Patron. Research in Narrative, Interaction and Discourse 3. New York, London: Routledge. 23-40.
  • (2023) "Free Indirect Discourse in English: 1250-1700". Handbook of Diachronic Narratology. Ed. Wolf Schmid et al. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2023. 204-29.
  • (2023) "Free Indirect Discourse in English: 1700 to the present". Handbook of Diachronic Narratology. Ed. Wolf Schmid et al. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2023. 230-56.
  • (2023) "Narratorial Involvement in Hagiography: Chaucer, the Scottish Legendary and Lydgate's Albon and Amphibalus". Anglistik 34.2 (2023): 77-100.
  • (2022) "Answers". Cognitive Poetics: Questions and Answers. Special issue of Enthymema 29: 131-148.
  • (2022) "Transformations in Narrative Prose: The Example of the Description of External Appearance". RANAM 56: 219-232.
  • (2022) "Non-Narrative Genres: Exposition, Lists, Lyric, etc." The Routledge Companion to Narrative Theory. Ed. Paul Dawson and Maria Mäkelä. London: Routledge. 24-39.
  • (2020) "Medieval Fictionality from a Narratological Perspective". New Literary History 51.1 (2020): 259-263.
  • (2019) (Ed., together with Marie-Laure Ryan) Narrative Factuality. A Handbook. Revisionen, 6. Berlin: de Gruyter.
  • (2019) "Frühe Neuzeit." In the section "Zeit". Handbuch Historische Narratologie. Ed. Eva von Contzen and Stefan Tilg. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. 194-205.
  • (2019) "Factual Narration in Narratology". Narrative Factuality. A Handbook. Ed. Monika Fludernik and Marie-Laure Ryan. Revisionen, 6. Berlin: de Gruyter. 51-74.


Sonia García de Alba Lobeira

  • (forthcoming, with Carlotta Posth) "The Evolution of Narrative Conventions from French Verse Romances to English Prose Adaptations: A Case Study on the Renaut de Montauban/The Four Sons of Aymon". Linguistica (2023). Special issue "Sociocultural Change and the Development of Vernacular Languages in Early Modern Europe" (in peer review).


Carlotta Posth

  • (forthcoming, with Sonia García de Alba Lobeira) "Transformations in narrative coherence in the Renaut de Montauban tradition: from French verse to English prose". Linguistica (2023). Special issue "Sociocultural Change and the Development of Vernacular Languages in Early Modern Europe" (in peer review).
  • (2022, with Katja Weidner) "Wege in eine mediävistische Komparatistik. Mit einem methodologischen Ausblick anhand religiöser Spiele". Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch 63 (2022), 61–106.
  • (2022, with Esme Winter-Froemel) "Discourse Traditions in the History of French". Manual of Discourse Traditions in Romance. Ed. Esme Winter-Froemel and Álvaro S. Octavio de Toledo y Huerta. Manuals of Romance Linguistics. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 435–466.
  • (2022, with Esme Winter-Froemel) "Interdiscursivity in French Theatre. Crossing Linguistic and Literary Perspectives". Manual of Discourse Traditions in Romance. Ed. Esme Winter-Froemel and Álvaro S. Octavio de Toledo y Huerta. Manuals of Romance Linguistics. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 751–766.

Sebastian Straßburg

  • (to appear 2025) "Chapter Boundaries in Early Modern Prose Romances". Special issue of Narrative titled "Diachronic Narratology". Ed. Monika Fludernik and Irma Taavitsainen.